new year intentions
as we are given this fresh start, encourage clear intentions over ambiguous resolutions.
it’s the things that are intrinsically controlled, like taking care of yourself. it is important to set goals for yourself, but just as long as they align with your values first. consistency in rituals builds the confidence and mindset you need to achieve these goals. whether it is developing a morning routine, learning to say no with grace and sans explanation, or being intentional with your skincare — know that the power to do it all exists within you.
what are you going to do to make space for the incredible things coming your way? when these people, things, and opportunities come into your life, you will be so balanced in your life that it will be the right time.
be gentle, and meet yourself where you are today. every moment is new. set intentions not just yearly but daily to fit the mood of the day and your life at the present moment.
think of one word or phrase you want to set as your intention for the beginning of the year. feel free to use the comment section to help manifest your intention ♡