the wvd

the weird vibe day

it happens to all of us . . . these are things I do to bounce back

first recognize your feelings and know they are valid.

if it involved the way another individual reacted, know that it has absolutely nothing to do with you.

take a shower to feel cleansed and to wash the day away. it is rejuvenating.

put on your favorite music! it is an instant vibe booster every single time.

escape into a show, movie, or book.

call someone in your inner circle for insight and to talk about the situation, and then to discuss other topics.

journal to put the day on paper and be done with it — and to recognize the good in the day

honestly go to bed early. tomorrow is a fresh day.


   some mantras + meditations:

  • “I am not my thoughts; I am not my feelings”

  • “envision your thoughts like a moving train; you see it come, you recognize it, and you choose to not get onto the train”

  • breathe in and envision pure white light, allow it to fill your mind and body, and breathe out all that no longer serves you.







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